วันเสาร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Never Go to Bed Mad

Let me paint you a picture. The moon is beginning its ascend into the night sky and the time for bed is approaching faster than a wrinkle on a fifty year old man. Your desire to pop your lover in the face with a solid knuckle sandwich is increasing with every tick of the clock. You're so angry with your mate that you make a grizzly bear with cubs look tame. But then it hits you, the golden rule your mom taught you the day before your wedding. Never go to bed mad.

So how does one overcome feelings of such indignation? Well for starters you must remember that your mom was right for telling you not to go to bed mad. No matter how disturbed you are with your lover it's egregious that you kiss and make up before you slumber down for the evening.

Go To Thailand

Love is like a bowl full of cream. It can be rich and rewarding but if you forget to put it in the refrigerator at night, it'll be an appalling mess in the morning. Your love is no different; never let it sit to ferment over night. The damage it can do may be irreversible.

Never Go to Bed Mad

Men and women will, straight through out a relationship, have battles worthy of the Roman Empire. It's natural and to be expected, but you're not out to be a super power so calling a truce does not make you weak, it makes you smart. No matter how mad you are remember how good it will feel to make up. The best pillow at night is a clear head, so dump your anger and give your boy a hug. And who knows, you may even get the ever sought after make up sex as a bonus.

Go To Thailand

Never Go to Bed Mad

